Notes on the distribution of Doliornis remseni (Cotingidae) and Buthraupis wetmorei (Thraupidae)

Notes on the distribution of Doliornis remseni (Cotingidae) and Buthraupis wetmorei (Thraupidae)


  • Orlando Acevedo-Charry Department of Biology, College of Natural Science, University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras (UPRRP)
  • Brayan Coral-Jaramillo Grupo de Observadores de Aves del Valle de Sibundoy


endemic species, North-Central, Andes, probability of occurrence, threatened species, tree line ecotone


The elfin Andean forest, within the tree-line ecotone, have confined but elusive species. We present notes and presence probability models (habitat suitability models) for two threatened and rare species associated with tree-line forest: The Chestnut-bellied Cotinga (Doliornis remseni) and the Masked Mountain-tanager (Buthraupis wetmorei). Recent records in southern Colombia, combined with an extensive review of records, were used to model the probability of presence of these species throughout their distribution. We used the program MaxEnt, and the raw output format to make these models. Our model for the Chestnut-bellied Cotinga is more conservative and better adjusted to the species conditions published elsewhere. We identified key regions to conduct ornithological explorations and validate our projections. Our models for Masked Mountain-tanager match those from the Red Book of threatened birds in Colombia, but add an extension to Ecuador. We suggest conducting ornithological explorations in areas with high probability of presence to validate our predictions and increase the knowledge of tree-line ecotone forest birds. Our suggestion could be supported by explicit alliances between academic institutions, protected areas in Colombia and Ecuador, and the local community. Finally, we comment on the recent records in the Andes of Putumayo, southern Colombia; a region with low-probability of occurrence of these two species, but with high potential for future research.


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Notes on the distribution of Doliornis remseni (Cotingidae) and Buthraupis wetmorei (Thraupidae): Notes on the distribution of Doliornis remseni (Cotingidae) and Buthraupis wetmorei (Thraupidae). (2021). Ornitología Colombiana, 16, 1-19.