Biología de anidación de la Rosita canora (Rhodinocichla rosea) con registros de parasitismo de cría en los Andes Colombianos
Colombia, biparental care, natural history, reproduction, brood parasitismAbstract
The reproductive biology of the Rosy Thrush-Tanager (Rhodinocichla rosea) has been limited to the initial description of its nests and eggs, along with a report of biparental care in Central America. Despite being a distinctive species associated with agroforestry systems that could impact its habitat use and reproductive success, there are no studies on the basic aspects of its natural history. In this work, we provide information on five reproductive events. The nests were cup-shaped, and the eggs were light blue with dark brown spots, mainly towards the base. Both parents actively participated in the entire nesting event. We report a predation event and document intense brood parasitism by Shiny Cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis) in coffee plantations. All broods were unsuccessful, suggesting that documenting the reproductive success of this and other species, nesting in agroforestry habitats is important to determine the potential negative impact on bird populations nesting in environments more exposed to parasitism and predators.
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