Aves migratorias neárticas– neotropicales en el departamento de Antioquia (Colombia): una revisión con datos de eBird
bird conservation, boreal migrants, citizen science, northwestern ColombiaAbstract
In this study, we reviewed the records of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory bird species for Antioquia (Colombia) available on eBird from October 1975 to April 2023. Based on 81.378 records made by 4.295 observers and 7.596 localities, we report 93 Nearctic-Neotropical migratory bird species for Antioquia, including six endangered species, seven species with first time records for the department, and ten uncertain species (i.e., without verifiable evidence). We found the highest species richness at Tulepena, (Carepa) and Rio Claro (San Francisco), both lowland localities dominated by natural land cover in wet biogeographical provinces. In addition, we report ten species considered uncertain. In this work, we highlight the value of eBird data to develop scientific research, although careful data management is needed to reduce sampling biases and enhance the accuracy of information.
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