Primer registro del Tejedor africano (Ploceus cucullatus) especie exótica para Colombia




exotic bird, invasive species, range extension, La Guajira


The first sighting of the African Weaver (Ploceus cucullatus) is reported in the department of La Guajira, northern Colombia. Field inspections conducted between September 3rd and 5th, 2023. Over 60 individuals and active nests were observed. Species identification was based on the analysis of diagnostic plumage coloration characters. The introduction of exotic species such as the African Weaver into natural ecosystems can have negative consequences for resident birds, as its invasive potential could generate significant competition with native species and cause damage to crops.



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How to Cite

Primer registro del Tejedor africano (Ploceus cucullatus) especie exótica para Colombia. (2024). Ornitología Colombiana, 26, 36-41.