Nuevos registros del Rastrojero andino (Asthenes fuliginosa) en el norte de la cordillera Central de Colombia




Andes, Antioquia, distribution, Furnariidae


The White-chinned Thistletail (Asthenes fuliginosa) is an andean species distributed between Venezuela and Peru, where it is mainly found inhabiting, paramo and transitional vegetation between paramo and andean forest. Here, we report two new records, in June 2024, from the Paramo de Belmira complex, located in the northern end of the Central Andes in the Antioquia department. These records extend the known distribution of the species in this mountain range in 170 linear km. With this range extension, we call for further exploration and characterization of broader areas in the Altiplano de Santa Rosa de Osos as they could represent an important source for the understanding of the avifauna of the Central Andes.



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Short Communications


How to Cite

Nuevos registros del Rastrojero andino (Asthenes fuliginosa) en el norte de la cordillera Central de Colombia. (2024). Ornitología Colombiana, 26, 42-46.