Registros predatorios de tres garzas (Aves: Ardeidae) con el uso de cámaras trampa en el Valle del Magdalena Medio, Colombia
biodiversity baseline, indirect sampling methods, trophic relationships, tropical rainforest, waterbirdsAbstract
Diet and foraging studies in birds are essential for a comprehensive understanding of the transport of matter and energy in aquatic ecosystems. The use of passive methods has been suggested as a tool to identify the diet of birds. Based on the use of camera traps we report new food items for herons Tigrisoma lineatum, Ardea cocoi and Ardea alba in the Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia. Camera traps function as a complementary tool for deciphering food items in waterbirds foraging at the edge of water bodies. They contribute considerably to the natural history of bird, fish and reptile species as well as to predatory behaviors, dietary relationships and their functional role within an ecosystem.
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